Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Hello Stranger

It’s been a minute...or like 5 years… but I started to receive notifications of comments being left and new followers on my little corner of the internet here. I started going through some old posts and getting nostalgic for the creative outlet and inspiration. I’d love to try to start posting semi-regularly again - she says, lacking confidence. I had started to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of direction and tutorial posts floating around and had felt like there was nothing of value that I could add. I still don’t know that I have much value to add but there’s always room for more encouragement and inspiration, especially in these crazy pandemic times.

A few things while I’ve been gone (A glimpse of things to come):

  1. I got married

Jeff and I got hitched in October of 2017. We’ve been living in Wisconsin for the past few years but are preparing to move on to the next step for us in Georgia, or back to the warm Hint: the flowers in my bouquet pictured here are a few of over a hundred crocheted by yours truly.

  1. We got a dog

Meet Pippy.

She’s a rescue so we don’t know exactly how old she is, maybe 5 or 6, but she’s a hot mess sweet girl. She and Smudge have a tolerant, occasionally sweet relationship. Pippy is completely in love with Jeff and just accepting of my presence. It’s fine, I'm fine *sniff*. Smudge is still my baby. Somehow she’s already 6!

  1. Workin’ on my fitness

I’ve had some health challenges over the past few years that have encouraged me to be more thoughtful and careful about health and fitness. My diet had been okay, but I really struggled with exercising… okay, not so much struggling as just completely avoiding it. In the past 2 or 3 years in particular meal planning and regular exercise have been a big focus that I’m eager to share with others who may have similar feelings and challenges.

  1. Back to school

Once upon a time I thought I had too much free time while Jeff was in residency and I should use the opportunity. Thanks to encouragement and support of the people around me, I decided to get an MBA while still working through the evening program at UW-Madison. I’m ⅔ of the way through the program now and have learned SO MUCH. I’m often the only person in class wearing pink, braids, and/or a cheery floral print and I've learned not to be self-conscious about that.

I think those are the big things! Many things haven’t changed and some things just keep getting better with time. I've got some updating to do around the site of course. It's tough out there right now and we all need a little extra thought-provoking material. What's new with you? What's been inspiring you? I'd love to know :)
