Monday, June 17, 2013

Scrapbook on the Wall

 I love pictures. And people.

I try to display as many of them as possible. Usually, I print out pictures to put in a scrapbook, but I love printing doubles of favorites and finding places to put them out. This picture display is like a scrapbook on the wall, in my opinion (hence the name of the post). It's especially great for renters since it only creates 2 tiny holes to hang up so many pictures.

There's no theme. Just people, places, and pictures I love. It's an easy project that can be finished in a lazy, rainy afternoon.

You will need:

Push pins
2 buttons
Pictures desired
Black construction paper
Clips (tiny clothes pins would look cute but I used these from Ikea)

Hot glue the buttons to the push pins. Place the pins in the wall the desired width apart as level as possible. Measure the distance between them and add at least 10". That's how long you'll need to cut the shortest piece of twine; for example, my pins are 50" apart so I cut the first piece of twine at 60". Each next piece should have 2 or 3 inches more added to it (63", 65", 68" and so on). Don't worry about hanging them too slack, the weight of the pictures will cause the twine to sag naturally. Tying each one with just an inch between the higher string should be plenty of a gap.  Knot the twine around the pins and hang your pictures.

If you want to add in a word or quote like "loved" there are a few different ways to do it. You can clip it on using the same clips with the pictures. Or you could punch holes on the corners and slide them on the the twine. I chose to cut the twine into sections, starting in the middle and working my way out. Then I tied the ends of the twine to holes in the corner. The letters are 2" x 3" rectangles cut from black construction paper and written on with yellow chalk.

I love having reminders of people and places I love and miss right above my bed. It's the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing at night.

How do you like to display your photos? Also, are you a scrapbooker? I'd love to know.

Sheila :)

P.S. You know when something really needs to be ironed? But you wear it anyway. To work. That's me today. Basically, I'm a rebel. Happy Monday y'all.

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