Monday, September 9, 2013

"Oooh, You Make Me Live..."

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I sure did! 

I met up with some of my closest friends from childhood. I met these girls in elementary school when we were all doing children's theater. Now we're all approaching the big 2-5 and I'm the only one who isn't a professional actress! It's amazing to have friends that are inspirations. It's a special friendship that survives across vasts distances and times to create inspiration. The inspiration to create. To risk. To be the best version of myself. To be the friend they deserve. Being able to get all 4 of us in the same place (heck, in the same state!) was nothing short of a miracle. It was pretty much the greatest.

I've come to the realization that I won't have as much free time in the next few months. Many events are on the calendar in my professional and personal life. I've made the decision to enjoy writing the blog but not stress about posting regularly. I may be trying not to stress about it, but I will probably still be posting at least a few times a week. Learning how to balance is a fascinating lesson and so far I need a lot more practice!

Any recommendations on time management? If you write a blog, how did you find your happy medium? Any friends who are inspirations to you!? I'd love to know :)


P.S. Aren't we just so stinkin' cute?

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