Monday, October 21, 2013

Do you write down recipes anymore?

How long has it been since you've written down a recipe, instead of just bookmarking or 'pinning' it?

Every few months I pull out this recipe book and add in my favorites. Not just anything that looks interesting, but a recipe that's been tested and enjoyed multiple times. If it makes it into the recipe book, there is something special about it that deserves to be recorded the old-fashioned way.

This book in particular is special because my Mother gave it to me. My parents celebrated their wedding anniversary this past week, which made me a little nostalgic and sentimental. Mom gave this recipe book to me with a few of our family favorites written in already so anything added has to live up to the standard. Most recently, this recipe for personal-sized baked oatmeal lived up to the bar (I write this as I eat one right now. No joke.)

I also love recipe cards. For some reason, they seem perfect for cookies and baking recipes. There are few simple pleasures I enjoy more than giving someone a recipe written on a cute little card, instead of emailing a boring ol' link.

Do you write down recipes? Do they have a certain standard to live up to before you record them? I'd love to know!



  1. It is rare that I write down a recipe-but when I do they definitely have to meet a standard worthy of laboring with pen and paper. I do enjoy giving and contributing to recipe books as shower gifts-maybe you should have an apartment warming and everyone could bring a copy of their favorite recipe (and make it too, of course)? Always enjoy your posts, Sheila!

    1. An apartment warming is an AMAZING idea now that I have electricity in every room! haha I like the way you think (and your stomach, clearly).

      Thanks for the kind words :)


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